Woohooo! Double trouble of dark and totally awesome chapters! Chapter 40 of Arms Peddler marks the end of Volume 5. It might take us some time to catch up with Volume 6 - due to raws. I'm just as anxious as all of you though, given the cliffhanger at the end of this chapter!
Chapter 6A of Alice in Borderland marks the start of a pretty intense game and we're introduced to some new characters while at it!
Enjoy! And as always, downloads on the channel or forum.
I already translated it myself,... we just... never got around to cleaning/typsetting it >.< and at this point, our limited staff is probably better spent releasing new chapters, rather than backtrack over our mistake. But I do hope that we'll get back to ch1.5 in the future!
I would like to retranslate Anikoi to spanish! This is the page of my fansub, KCG-Fansub: http://kcg-fansub.wix.com/kcg-fansub. I will include your credits and the link of your page in my credits!